
Friday Jan 15, 2021
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast - Turning Off The TV
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
The final episode of Changing Channels Podcast. Thanks for the great memories!

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast - Episode 9 - Perfect Strangers
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Alright Changing Channels Podcast fans the much requested classic TV Show "Perfect Strangers" has finally arrived on CCP! In episode 9 America's Cohost Jamison and I are treated to a special guest, a "Channel Surfer" Lisa The Legend who stuck around after being on an episode of STL. In this episode you will find a whole new meaning to the podcast slogan "Many Shows, One Podcast" as we talk about how Bronson Pinchot and Michael J Fox and many other topics and shows. Get ready for a crazy episode!

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast Episode 8 - 2013 TV In Review(So Far)
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast Episode 7 - The Big Bang Theory
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Time for another trip down memory lane and boy was this a fun episode! CCP is back! And this time we are reviewing one of the 2 big winners in the vote. First up this month is the #1 Comedy on TV and that's "The Big Bang Theory". Jamison and Masunas talk each season inside and out and all the characters along with the unsung characters like the comic book store. SPOLIER WARNING: We cover the brand new season so you are warned! All this and more in episode 7!

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
In Episode 6 Masunas and Jamison try the impossible, to review a TV show that's been on for 20 years. And cover all the best stuff. We hope you like what you hear! We cover everything from Monday Night Wars to The Attitude Era, to WCW takeover and talk tons of wrestlers from Stone Cold, to The Rock and also talk about this upcoming Royal Rumble with CM Punk Vs The Rock and predictions. All this and more!

Monday Nov 30, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast Episode 5 - 2012 TV In Review
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Masunas and Jamison talk 2012 in TV. It was a very rough day recording wise for Masunas, but Jamison came to the rescue and lifted the spirits on the podcast. More word stumbling like no other episode, and we talk a list that was supposed to be the Top 100, but instead problems were found and man, we had to correct this sucker. Plus "Man of Steel" trailer talk so it's STL time and tons of other great stuff in episode 5. Enjoy!

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast Episode 4 - The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
In Episode 4 of CCP, Masunas and Jamison have allot of fun talking about the King of the 4th, Will Smith in his early funny moments know as "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air". At some point CCP turns into STL when Masunas shocks Jamison on a movie he hates, Bell Biv DeVoe shock as well, along with Zombieland Twinkie talk, and talks about who is more charasmatic, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Will Smith. All this and more! (Sorry for the small sound issue of going in and out, this issue will be fixed next episode)

Monday Nov 09, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast Episode 3 - Thundercats
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Changing Channels Podcast fans a new episode is up! Jamison and Masunas discuss "Thundercats" along with 80's toys, cartoons, rip on Masters of the Universe against Thundercats and does this cartoon still hold up today? Listen and find out!

Monday Oct 26, 2020
STL Bonus - Changing Channels Podcast Episode 2 - 21 Jump Street
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
It's time again to go down memory lane! In the second episode of Changing Channels Masunas and Jamison talk "21 Jump Street". We break down the entire series along with the movie and how we really feel about it and how it fits in the overall universe. News on TV, funny jokes, excellent emails, amazing itunes reviews and the first fight between Masunas and Jamison is recorded! All this and more in episode 2.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
STL Bonus Episode- Changing Channels Podcast Episode 1 - In Living Color
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Time to take a trip down memory lane! Back in the day Jamison and Masunas had a short lived podcast that reviewed one TV show a month, and it was a super and amazing fun time!! it is easily one of the greatest times I ever had while podcasting. I figured since there are no new STL episodes at this moment, here are some prior episodes that you can't find anymore to pass the time. So here is episode 1!
In the inaugural episode of Changing Channels Podcast, your host Masunas and Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt from "Movie Mojo Monthly" are not new to the podcasting world, we each already do a movie podcast, so why not tackle the world of TV?! So we decided the best show to start off with was the ground breaking show "In Living Color". Come along and listen as we talk the show from top to bottom inside and out. And the "Channel Surfers" already emailed in and have excellent things to say! All this and more in episode 1.

Friday May 22, 2020
STL Updates...
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Hey STL Nation! I wanted to record an update episode for you since episode 200 still has not dropped. Please give a listen when you have a chance. Thanks! #STLNation4Ever

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Hot Tub Time Machine
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
STL Nation the road to 200 is almost complete! In episode 199 Jamison, T-Mac and Masunas talk about a super fun and amazing comedy, "Hot Tub Time Machine". It has everything you could want in a film. Time Travel, Music, Montage, 80's music, 80's clothes and John Cusack. Masunas and T-Mac watch this multiple times a year, but this is the 2nd time Jamison has watched it. Listen and find out how the movie holds up for him. Plus old news since this was recorded almost a month ago, another edition of "What Movie Am I?" and awesome music spotlight. All this and more in episode 199! FYI: The audio sounds a little bit of an echo on Masunas and Tabby's side due to a mistake made on the mic side and cleaning up some bad background noise going on outside. So this will be fixed in episode 200. Enjoy!

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Demolition Man
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
It's finally here STL Nation! It's only took what 4 or 5 years? Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt and Masunas finally get together to talk the amazing flick, "Demolition Man". It's not a question if we love the movie, it's a question of why is this movie so amazing! Plus we rank our favorite Stallone, Snipes and Bullock films. And "What Movie Am I?" returns with a vengeance! Plus we announce the movie that we will be doing for the 200th episode and what's in store coming up. All this and more in episode 198!

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
STL's Top 10 Movies And Songs Of 2019
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
FINALLY! The Year End Episode is upon us! In what is now turned into a celebration episode as well! STL is about to turn 9 years old on 02/12/2020. What better way to celebrate it then with your host with the most, Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt and Tabby "T-Mac" Masunas. In this episode we break down our favorite and most fun movies of 2019. Along with our favorite songs of 2019. With almost 30 songs and 30 movies discussed, this episode is a super long one, but you guys are no stranger to long STL episodes. Plus emails and some craziness behind the scenes stuff that happened that had to stay in the episode. We are only 3 episodes away from 200! Let the road to 200 begin with the first episode of 2020. Enjoy!

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Cobra Kai Season 2
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
After 3 long long months Masunas and T-Mac are finally back and man do we have a jam packed long episode for you! In this episode we catch you up on why the wait was so long and what awesomeness came to the Masunas household. Plus movies we have been watching and mini reviews and potential spoilers on what movies and music will show up on the year end episode. Then we dive deep into "Cobra Kai Season 2". Tabby dives into her thoughts on season 1, her history of fandom in "The Karate Kid" universe and where she is at with the Cobra Kai universe. There are a ton of season reviews out there, so we break things down the only way we know how, STL Style! Plus we get into tons of grey areas, dive deep into each of our main characters stories, what we wan from season 3, and also break down our top 5 characters and much, much more. Plus we got awesome emails, and FINALLY a new Itunes review after two years!! Masunas goes off on podcast review douchebags so buckle up. Plus an awesome music spotlight to make up for the past 3 months. All this and more in episode 196. Also much props to Brihana Davidson that you can hear with my boy Time Travlin' Peter on Cobra Kai Kompanion for the inclusion of awesome Cobra Kai poster art! Hope you enjoy the episode!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Finally! Masunas and T-Mac are back after a long life hiatus to jump back into the world of Knight Rider. In this episode we continue our series of guest stars who are now famous. In this episode we spotlight Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund in "Fright Knight". In this episode Tabby gets her first introduction to RC, asks what's up with KITT and why does he look like that in the intro? And we talk about this super funny horror episode. It's not a question of if we liked it, it's a question of what was the big issue with this episode! And trust me you will never guess. Let's not forget about the "Jaws" and "Back To The Future" stuff in this episode. And we have our first emails and Itunes reviews!!!!!!! Thank you so much!! Plus the upcoming schedule of what's to come in this series for the next couple of months and more in episode 2. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Welcome to the 1st episode! Masunas and T-Mac are very excited to have you join us as we jump into the world of Michael and K.I.T.T. and all things Knight Rider. On this episode we will break down how the show works in regards to episode order and the method behind the madness. Get into why the show is named after a No More Kings song. Thanks again to No More Kings for the permission to use their song and name the show after it as well! Plus Masunas picks up where he left off on "The Shadowy Flight Podcast" and we talk the "Turbo Boost" of the episode, another new segment, and what you can expect from our show. We hope you jump in and enjoy the show!

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Hush (2016)
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
In what might be my most favorite episode ever recording with T-Mac, we spend this review trying to convince the listeners to check out this very special and under-rated film found on Netflix. Coming from a studio that Masunas loves, Blumhouse, "Hush" is a 2016 American psychological horror thriller film directed by Mike Flanagan, better known for Netflix series, "The Haunting Of Hill House". This is not your typical horror film, it's a very smart suspense film. Listen as Masunas and T-Mac get very frustrated trying to review a film with as much details as possible, without giving anything away. We finally throw in the towel and do a "spoiler review" later on, so warnings will be appearing when that happens. Tabby's upcoming birthday wish is for you to watch this film, so don't let her down! Plus we also get into some news, requests, and upcoming feed changes effective 09/01/19 that you need to hear about. The road to 200 episodes starts now with this episode 195! Plus the next two episodes will be a Regina George double feature, "Mean Girls" and "Game Night" coming very soon so be on the lookout. Hope you enjoy!!

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
American Pie 1, 2, 3 & 4
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Talk about an unexpected set of movies to show up on STL huh!? Well one weekend Masunas and T-mac sat down to watch the main series. All because of a joke that started in the house. "This one time, at band camp". Listen in as we break down a series that is surprisingly super solid, and has allot of heart. Plus a new perspective from someone who has never seen these movies and loves Sean William Scott and had no idea who Stiffler was. Plus updates on what's been going on with delays and a killer music spotlight. All this and more in episode 194!

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
STL Catch Up And Crazy Spoiler Stories!
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
It's only been over 5 months, but STL has returned! Jamison Very Good Rabbitt finally guilty tripped Masunas back behind the mic, but glad he did. In this episode, we do multiple mini movie reviews and or chats, including "Peppermint", "If Looks Could Kill", "Flight of The Navigator" and a few others. Plus we dive into our frustrations with WWE and get into the craziest stories about being spoiled on endings of movies. This has to be one of the greatest stories we have ever talked about! Plus a huge music spotlight for the hard core STL fans. Many thanks for always sticking around!

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wrestlemania 35 and NXT Takeover Thoughts and Predictions (STL Bonus)
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
What's up STL Nation! It's Wrestlemania weekend and T-Mac and Masunas as super excited! In this bonus STL episode we break down first the NXT Takeover Pay Per View and why you HAVE to watch it! If you are gonna watch something that is wrestling, it's NXT. Then we dive into the Wrestlemania 35 card, and talk about the insanity of it being 8 hours long, what all the matches are, and discuss what matches we actually care about and what we don't care about. And of course talk about the first ever Wrestlemania Women's Main Event! All this and more in this bonus episode #192. The road to 200 episodes is upon us. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
STL's Top 10 Favorite Movies and Songs of 2018
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Welcome to 2019 STL Style! In this episode Masunas & T-mac do their favorite episode of the year and recap everything that was awesome in 2018 in movies and music and what cracked our top 10 list. But for the first time ever, Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt joins the recap episode and gives his movie and music list! Now Jamison already gave his "Best Of" list over on the Flicks Podcast, this list is his favorites of the year. Which is completely different. Listen and find out to how crazy the differences are in each list. Sit back and let's go for a ride!

Monday Dec 31, 2018
New Year's Bash STL Style
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!!! It's time for one final episode in 2018 for STL. And to wrap up the year with Masunas we have Jamison and Tabby joining the party as we break down some of our favorite things that went down in 2018. Plus Tabby reviews a bunch of movies she finally got to see for the 1st time like the Superman movies, Revenge of the Nerds, and more! Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
It's Time For Five (Top 5 Horror Sequels) - STL Bonus Episode
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
It's Bonus Episode time! As we continue the STL Octoberfest, Jamison and Masunas get together on his radio show "It's Time For 5" for our annual Horror movie talk. This year we break down our top 5 favorite horror sequels. Some really fun surprises and awesome songs are showcased as well. Have fun and enjoy this bonus episode of STL!

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Halloween (2018)
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Masunas and T-Mac are back together again! In the 1st episode of the "STL Octoberfest" comes a review for the movie 40 years in the making. All the timelines have been wiped out and a new one has been created to be the perfect one/two punch type of film to the greatest horror film ever made, "John Carpenter's Halloween". In this review we start off with non spoilers and get into as much details as we can on our thoughts with this movie. T-Mac makes a bold claim on this film that might be shocking to the listeners and we hope our thoughts get you to see the movie this weekend. Then we dive deep into spoilers and where the future hold for this franchise, where it now ranks in the series for us, and a music spotlight you can't miss. All this and more in episode 188!

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
The Karate Kid Part III
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Masunas is back STL Nation! It's been a little while and while we are in October and should be doing the "STL Octoberfest", a special episode was recorded. My good old brother Cobra Kai Peter, A.K.A. "Time Travlin' Peter" drops by to help Masunas review the much hated film, "The Karate Kid Part III". While it's a huge guilty pleasure for some, other folks just can't stomach the film. However with the amazing show "Cobra Kai" alive and well and rolling into season 2, what better way to revisit this film than now, and with the "Empire of Cobra Kai podcasts and interviews" himself, and make it full circle on STL with Peter. Listen to how these past 6 months has turned into incredible times for him, and how does he feel about the film now? and why is this movie Masunas' favorite guilty pleasure. Also listen to why there are some amazing moments in this film that are truly gold and fantastic. Plus news on the next horror movie episode, a special announcement! Plus more in episode 187!

Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Back To School
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
It's Party Time!!! Masunas and Jamison finish up our Billy Zabka trilogy with the movie he had the most fun making, and a movie that is so much fun to watch and talk about! We go through what makes this flick awesome, what we would change, how does it hold up today? Plus Zabka loses another girl...also talk about "Wonder Woman 84", that new "Halloween" and "Nun" trailer, video game news and also announce the winners of the vote and upcoming STL movies for the summer! All this and more in episode 185.

Friday Jun 01, 2018
UHF - (Classic Movies Masunas Hasn't Seen Series)
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Masunas and Jamison are back to talk the classic everyone grew up on, but Masunas missed out and that was UHF. Good Old Weird Al Yankovic. In this episode we dive into a staple of Jamison's life and childhood and tells Masunas why it's so awesome. Was this a fun trip? Or did it stumble and fall. Listen and find out in episode 184! Plus next review will be "Back To School" so we can talk some more Billy Zabka!