
Saturday May 12, 2018
Adventures In Babysitting (Don't F With The Babysitter STL Redo Edition)
Saturday May 12, 2018
Saturday May 12, 2018
On Feb 12th 2011 STL was born! Well the time has come to finally redo that episode over again. And no better person to do it with, than Time Travlin Peter! He's helped me in the past redo some of my earlier episodes like "The Heavenly Kid" and "Back To The Future". But this one is the one I hated the most, and felt after the 182th episode, it was time to do this movie the justice it deserves. This time we dive deep into this awesome flick, the characters, moments, the remake, and what the sequel should be like. Plus other fun stuff like more "Cobra Kai" talk and Michael Jackson videos. Enjoy!

Saturday May 05, 2018
Cobra Kai (Full Series Review)
Saturday May 05, 2018
Saturday May 05, 2018
Masunas & Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt come full circle with our full review of the film "Cobra Kai". To us it's a 5 hour long sequel and continuation of "The Karate Kid" series. We come full circle as this is the movie that brought us together, we had an amazing interview with Johnny Lawrence himself on the 100th episode, and we get deep into the 10 episodes released on Youtube Red. We get into what we loved, what didn't work, score, flashbacks, character arcs, who's good, who's bad, the crane kick, what the future holds and much more. We do have a small spoiler free section, and then dive right into this film. 34 years in the making and find out if it was worth it!

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Road House
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Masunas and Jamison "Very Good" Rabitt finally review the movie that's been promised for years. Better late then never! In this episode we go over our love of a film considered to be a terrible film and at best, a guilty pleasure. Do we defend it? Or agree with it? Do we do both? Only one way to find out. It's our way or the highway! Plus we talk the new "Hallowen" poster, "Cobra Kia" and more fun stuff in episode 181. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Masunas & T-Mac Talk Movies, Wrestlemania 34 & Life
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Masunas and T-Mac are finally back behind the mic after a 3 month break. In this episode we catch up on life, some movie reviews like, "Space camp", "Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle", "Mask" and talk some upcoming events like seeing "Jaws" on the big screen. Plus we break down our favorite weekend of the year, "Wrestlemania"! We give our thoughts and predictions on the 13 matches lined up for WM34 and talk about a WWE Live show we went to. All this and more in episode 180!

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
STL's Top 10 Movies And Top 5 Songs Of 2017
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Happy New Year STL Nation! What a way to kick off the year by having the return of Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt! In this episode, we break down our favorites of the year with no apologies and no regrets as we lay it all out on the line. Jamison saw over 200 movies this year, and Masunas had a ton of fun this year. so it will be an awesome diverse list episode. Plus it's also the first time ever on STL that he shares his top 10 with us first! Also we break down the 5 best songs of 2017 and also get into awesome rants, Masunas review's "John Carpenter's The Thing" as it's finally been watched! All this and more in episode 179.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Silver Bullet (Commentary Track)
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Happy Halloween!! It's Masunas and T-Mac's favorite day of the year and we want to celebrate the final episode of the STL Octoberfest with the STL Nation! In this episode we do a commentary track to our favorite werewolf movie ever. We go into why it's the best, the music, the characters, the twists. Plus have a few unexpected laughs and a special surprise guest makes an appearance. Have a fantastic Halloween and we hope you enjoy this episode!

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Dog Soldiers
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
STL Octoberfest continues with the 2nd greatest werewolf movie ever Dog Soldiers! That's right Masunas and T-Mac break down why this is their 2nd favorite werewolf movie of all time. But also proclaiming that no other werewolf in a film can hold a candle to the werewolves in Dog Soldiers. Plus we break down the other werewolf movies that we love and why we love them, along with others that suck. Plus a music spotlight to the greatest music video ever? It has a werewolf in it so you be the judge in episode 177!

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
It's Time For 5 - Scary Movie Moments - STL Bonus
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
As we continue in the STL Octoberfest, Jamison and Masunas get together on his radio show It's Time For 5 for our annual Horror movie talk. This year, we do something a little different, and talk our favorite scary movie moments, and the shocking thing is, some of these movies are far from horror movies. That's what makes this list so great. Have fun and enjoy this bonus episode of STL!

Friday Oct 13, 2017
Cult Of Chucky
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Friday Oct 13, 2017
STL Octoberfest 2017 has officially started! Masunas and T-Mac break down the new Chucky movie with a non spoiler review and decide the only way to really get into issues and the things we really liked was a spoiler review. We will let you know when that happens and then we get into major details where we just don't see eye to eye on this movie. Then we discuss, review and rank each of the 7 Child's Play/Chucky movies. Plus news on Michael Myers big return in 2018 and all the scary movies we have been watching and get into what's coming up for the rest of the month in episode 175!

Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Teen Wolf/Teen Wolf Too & Teen Wolf The Series
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Alright STL Nation, the 3rd episode in one month! In this episode T-Mac and Masunas discuss their love for Teen Wolf. Tabby's love runs deep for the TV Show as well as Masunas, but we must start where it all began, back in 1985. We start off discussing the movie just as it is without comparing it to what we know today in Teen Wolf history and go through what we love about this movie and things we don't. Then we briefly talk about the sequel, and if it's as bad as everyone says, or is there anything good about this movie. Then we finish things off on the current show and what similarities is in the show and what's different about it and comparable to Buffy The Vampire Slayer in many ways. Hope you enjoy episode 174!

Saturday Aug 05, 2017
The STL Crew, The Karate Kid, Linkin Park & #DemonBoobies
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Alright STL Nation I hope you are ready for this one! Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt makes his return to talk with T-Mac and Masunas and catch up on life and the things we have been watching and experiencing. We get into the new Karate Kid Youtube series and our expectations and also talk some serious stuff on our love for Linkin Park and the tragic loss of Chester and how it's affected us. T-Mac reviews Robocop, John Candy movies and learn about #DemonBoobies and creepy places that disappear and more in episode 173!

Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Catching Up With Masunas
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
What's up STL Nation! It's been a little while since there has been a new episode and I figured since I have watched a ton of movies and TV shows over the past month and during vacation I would play some catch up and go over my thoughts. We have some newer movies like "Wonder Woman" and "47 Meters Down" and older movies like "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" and "Logan". Plus some horror movies like "Lights Out" and "Don't Breathe". Plus some guilty pleasures like, "No Retreat, No Surrender". Which one day will get the full review it needs and deserves. Lots of other movies and talks in episode 172. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Masunas & Jamison FINALLY review the STL's long requested flick, Spaceballs! In this episode Masunas does some quick movie reviews for "The Fate Of The Furious" and "Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2" and also talk new "Wonder Woman" trailer, and some other fun stuff. Then we dive into the greatest spoof movie without question. It's a fact. Take a trip down memory lane on our journey with this movie, plus another round of "What Movie Am I?", New STL Emailer! Itunes reviews and 2 awesome music spotlights. All this and more in episode 171!

Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
The Monster Squad (Commentary Track)
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Masunas and T-Mac are back with another commentary track! We finish our April Fool's Day off with an awesome 80's classic that we have watched just as much as we did "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". We talk about how awesome these kids are, each monster and how great they look, quote the movie allot and of course talk about some of the cheese factor this movie, yet how amazing it is. And we may or may not sing in the episode. All this and more in episode 170!

Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Commentary Track)
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Masunas has done commentary tracks in the past, but none with T-Mac! In this episode we sit down on April Fool's Day for no tricks, but to hang out and watch some 80's flicks. We start off with "Ferris" and end with "The Monster Squad". In this episode Masunas and T-Mac while we watch this flick talk about our good times we had watching this in the theater a few months ago and recall all our crazy laughing episodes we had. Plus stories of Chicago, school then and today and lots of other good stuff and we hope you enjoy this and more in episode 169!

Friday Mar 31, 2017
Over The Top
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Because The STL Nation demanded it, we review it! Masunas, Jamison and T-Mac are back and we talk the movie about a Father and Son relationship. Or is it an arm wrestling movie? Is it both? Why do we love this flick? Listen and find out! Plus we talk about the new Justice League trailer, illiegal moves in the 80's, #Justice4Johnny crap, Wrestlemania talk and this whole Truck Driver's Divsion thing...Plus 2 rounds of "What Movie Am I?" and more in episode 168! Hope you enjoy it!!

Friday Mar 03, 2017
Dumb And Dumber
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt returns for the first time since STL returned for Chapter 2. And we pick up were we left off on the fun train and bring T-Mac with us. In this episode we go down memory lane and talk about one of our favorite comedies ever! We talk about what we love, what we would do for the sequel we should have gotten and lots more. Plus we play some "What Movie Am I?" and a controversial music spotlight. All this and more in episode 167!

Friday Jan 13, 2017
Top 20 Songs And Top 5 Movies Of 2016
Friday Jan 13, 2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
The time has come for Masunas' favorite episode of the year...The Top 20 Songs and Top 5 Movies of 2016. For the first time in almost 6 years, this episode is not done solo but with a co-host, the return of my daughter Tabby "T-Mac" Masunas! And boy do we have a show for you. We break down the top songs of 2016 from an adult and teenage perspective and see what differences and comparisons we have and it's interesting to say the least which songs and artists make it into our lists. This year's top 20 songs will be a different kind of list based on things that happened to us as a family this year, and we hope you really enjoy the tunes you hear. Plus we break down our favorite movies of the year, and some surprises that didn't make our list, and why these movies were so much fun over others. Plus T-Mac takes control over the show and lays the smackdown a few times. All Good Times and more in episode 166!

Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Encino Man
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
In this special episode I am joined by a very special guest, my daughter Tabby "T-Mac" Masunas! Since I grew up with this movie, and I saw the movie when I was 14, I thought it would be fun to see how my 14 year old daughter would think of this movie by today's standards and and how it holds up and if she really thougt it was 24 years old. She is a little nervous at first but once we get into the review, you got 2 Masunas' making jokes, quoting movies and having a good time. We talk the DC Crossover episodes that happened this week, along with the review of "Batman - Return To Arkham" for the PS4, "The Last of Us Part II" excitment and other fun stuff. So sit back, relax and Wheeze The Juice on episode 165!

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
It's Time For 5 (Top 5 Horror Icons) - STL Bonus Episode
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Do I have a special episode for you! Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt invited me on his radio show and he is allowing me to release this episode as a bonus so all of the STL Nation can hear it! We get together to discuss our Top 5 Favorite Horror Icons of all time. Our lists have changed over the years and it's a super fun discussion on why we picked what we did, some surprised on the pics that neither of us were expecting, plus honorable mentions and some other fun stuff. Be sure to support Jamison on his radio show "It's Time For 5" which can be found on the app "103.5 The Sun Community Radio". I hope you enjoy this bonus episode 164!

Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Joy Ride (2011)
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
It's time to kick off the annual "STL Octoberfest"! First up this month is an older Paul Walker movie that some may not know about. It's a horror/thriller movie and there is lots to discuss especially how the movie works well one way and not another. Plus news, and forgive me now but I had a rant that I couldn't hold in any longer and it's hard to always stay positive, but when you need to defend something great, you must do what you must do. And a very special music spotlight to a dear friend that I lost. All this and more in episode 163!

Friday Sep 16, 2016
The Wedding Singer
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Alright the time has come to officially review an Adam Sandler movie on STL. It's not the first time Sandler he has made an appearance, but it's the first starring role of Sandler to be talked about on the show and most of all it's the first of the Sandler/Barrymore trilogy. In many folks eyes, this is the greatest Sandler movie for many reasons. How does it hold up? What's my history with the film and Sandler's filmography? Well listen and find out. Plus video game news and more in episode 162!

Monday Aug 08, 2016
Jaws (1975)
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Monday Aug 08, 2016
The time has come to finally revisit the classic, considered one of the greatest films of all time, "Jaws". Not having seen the movie in over 16 years, has things changed? What's the new perspective on this film? What did the Nation think of this film? Listen and find out. Plus Superman news, TV show endings that really suck, and an awesome music spotlight. All this and more in episode 161!

Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Suicide Squad
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
In the first full episode returning back to the microphone, Masunas reviews his second most anticipated movie of 2016 Suicide Squad! This will be a non spoiler review on the movie and then later we shall dive into spoilers after the warning. Lots of talk on the anticipation, history, what I dug and what has changed in ratings of the DCEU. All this and more in episode 160!

Saturday Jul 30, 2016
STL Chapter 2 - Back From The Dead!
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
STL Nation what's up!!! After much thoughts, prayers and most of all support and requests from many folks for a comeback, STL is being resurrected. I know it hasn't been very long since the final episode, but there has been some positive things going on in my life and a new "fire" is upon me. Please check out this update episode for the reasons for coming back, how life has been, how things will look for the future, and the start of Chapter 2 for STL. Talk with you all soon!

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Goodbye And Thanks For The Very Good Times!
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Well STL Nation, the time has come to hang up the mic and retire. But please don't let this be a time of tears, but a time of celebration! We have gone through some amazing times in the past 4 years and this episode is a celebration of that. To help me do that I brought in some guest hosts to talk about all the good times and memories including Time Travlin' Peter and of course I couldn't end this show without the one and the only Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt! We have our last hurrah together of going through the beginning to the end and all those reviews we did together and which ones were our favorites, and which one episode is the one we both hate. Plus in this massive episode (Yes the record was broke for longest STL episode ever) there are reviews for "Deadpool", "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" and of course the final swan song review...

Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
The Outsiders (1983)
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
The first movie review of 2016 kicks off with the long awaited return of Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt! In this episode we talk snowfall, frozen pipes, water breaks, who is at fault for not recording, movies of 2016 and our thoughts on the big ones, super hero bubbles and when it will break, and at some point we talk the classic 1983 film "The Outsiders". We break down the book, movie and the uncut version of the film and see just how well this movie holds up in 2016, plus a fun game of "Greatest Hits" with such an amazing cast, how can you not! And as a bonus for waiting so long for the episode, we throw in our uncut, unplanned bonus review of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" just for the hard core fans of STL. Enjoy it cause you will never get another Star Wars review again! All this and more in episode 157

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Top 20 Songs And Top 5 Movies Of 2015
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016

Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice Trailer 2 Reactions
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
What's up STL Nation! Like a tired old Bruce Wayne coming out to fight the forces of darkness, Masunas comes out of the shadows to talk about the highly controversial new trailer for Batman V Superman??!!! Well nothing will make me dust off the mic more than to talk about Batman. There is coverage of the trailer, what the haters and lovers are saying about the trailer and movie overall, and what my thoughts are about the trailer and why I love it and what I'm still worried about. Plus upcoming episode plans and more in episode 155!

Friday Oct 16, 2015
Pulp Fiction
Friday Oct 16, 2015
Friday Oct 16, 2015
Hello STL Nation! Who is ready to talk about some Pulp Fiction?!! Well before the discussion begins, Masunas get's you caught up on this thing called life and what's all new and exciting, reviews on various things, and then dive into a movie that needs no introduction. It's been awhile since a new episode, so I'm a little rusty, but hopefully you are ready to listen and find out my history with this film, my thoughts and thanks for the emails. All this and more in episode 154.