
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
This Is The End
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
It's not the end of STL, but it is time to finally review a movie that Masunas and Jamison have loved since the first time we saw it, and that's "This Is The End". This normally isn't a movie we review and stay away from these raunchy type films, however there is something special about a movie with guys that suck 9 times out of 10 by themselves in movies, but as a group pull off an amazing movie. It's a shorter episode but that doesn't stop us from getting into our love of the movie and also we cut to the chase on this Karate Kid video on the nets these days, plus announce an upcoming movie review long overdue in the series of "Classic Movies Masunas Hasen't Seen". All this and more in episode 153!

Saturday Aug 08, 2015
They Live
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Masunas & Jamison are back. We had original plans for another movie review, but after the news of the loss of one of our favorite Wrestlers "Rowdy Roddy Piper", we had to review the cult classic, "They Live". In this episode we talk lots of good stuff not just about this movie, but about Piper himself and his history in Hollywood and in the ring. Does this movie still hold up? Listen and find out. Plus tons of other news about folks we always run into at the zoo together, "Batman V Superman" stuff along with how long this superhero movie craze will last. Bands that are still around from the 90's, another round of "Desert Island", and Masunas showcases his favorite song of 2015 and how there is no way it will get topped. All this and more in episode 152!

Friday Jun 12, 2015
Brewster's Millions
Friday Jun 12, 2015
Friday Jun 12, 2015
This is gonna be a good one STL Nation! Since Jamison and I won't be back together for awhile, we went ALL out on this episode. After the news broke out about "Big Trouble In Little China", we got some things to say about all these stupid 80's remakes!! It's preachin time. Plus talks on The Punisher, Pitch Perfect 3, Bad Boys 3, songs of the summer, and tons of other stuff. At some point it's time to review a Richard Pryor classic! Or is it? Does it still have the magic today? Then a new game is introduced, "The Desert Island". It's some good times, and finally just when you think the episode is over, a new one starts with "STL After Dark". Hope you enjoy episode 151, we sure did!

Tuesday May 19, 2015
The Breakfast Club
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
After 5 long months....Jamison returns! Unedited! That's right folks, we pick up right where we left off, having laughs and fun times. We continue on our John Hughes movie retrospective that we seem to be doing and see how a movie that's 30 years old holds up and what's great about it, but also what's changed now that we got older. Plus tons of random stuff like a "Pitch Perfect 2" review along with "Avengers: Age Of Ultron" from Masunas, Movie Mojo Monthly crossover??..."Furious 7" and 8 talk, Taylor Swift rap, Country music that's gay? Plus what John Hughes movie you could watch everyday of the week and more in episode 150!

Saturday Apr 04, 2015
Furious 7
Saturday Apr 04, 2015
Saturday Apr 04, 2015
The time has come to finally talk Furious 7! It's felt like forever, but my most anticipated film of 2015 has come and I lay my heart out on my sleeves on this review from my favorite franchise of all time. This episode is spoiler free for the first half. I will get into the movie, action, story, characters and above all else, Paul Walker and saying goodbye. Then I get into spoilers and as you know I went into this with the highest of highest expectations, time to see if it delivered for me and what the future holds for this series. All this and more in episode 149.

Saturday Mar 28, 2015
News, Reviews & Tunes
Saturday Mar 28, 2015
Saturday Mar 28, 2015
What's up STL Nation! It's been awhile but the time has come to record a new episode. In episode 148 it is a hybrid episode if you will of the normal movie review episodes, and the Underground Hour. In this episode I'll get into talk about news of just life in general along with my thoughts on the "Batman Arkham Knight" rating of "Mature" and what characters are being added to "Mortal Kombat X", plus thoughts on some other movie things like my expectations for "Furious 7" in the next 6 days and what I want to see, and expect from my most anticipated movie of 2015 from my favorite franchise! Plus some movie reviews of movies I have seen in the theater recently, Netflix, and some awesome tunes as well throughout the episode to keep the energy alive. And finally for my wrestling fans I get into some Wrestlemania 31 predictions. Enjoy!

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Back To The Future (Commentary Track)
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
The biggest Back To The Future fan in the Nation Time Travlin' Peter joins Masunas to "redo" the review of the first movie in the series. But what better way to review a movie you love, than to do it as a Commentary track! Join us for some great laughs, theories, and more in episode 147!

Sunday Jan 04, 2015
STL's Top 20 Songs & Top 10 Movies Of 2014
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Welcome to the first episode of 2015! My favorite episode to do every year is this top 20 songs and top 10 movies of the previous year. 2014 was an amazing year in music, and my personal record was broken narrowing down my favorite tunes of the year. More on that in the episode. My movie list feels very solid in the Masunas style that you are used to. While I didn't see every movie I wanted to, the past 2 weeks changed my list dramatically. Some of my choices will be shocking, but that's just the way Contrarian Masunas works, and you wouldn't want it any other way. Enjoy episode 146!

Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Men At Work
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Jamison "Very Good" Rabbitt is back!!!!!!!! Masunas and Jamison close out 2014 with a movie close to our hearts and that's "Men At Work". Join us as we break down a movie about these crazy garbage men and also Jamison will give you the true story about the "Diary Of A Garbage Man" and how it really is! Plus we discuss the chaos that is contained in this action, black comedy. Plus Keith David! And most of all we breakdown all that was STL in 2014 and was no doubt the best year ever in STL land. What does the future hold for 2015? Listen and find out all and more in episode 145 plus the final "What Movie Am I?" for 2014 and thanks for the amazing year STL Nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Gone In 60 Seconds (2000)
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Finally a movie review! I know it's been awhile Nation and I'm sorry for that. But it's time to start the theme of 3 car type movies and to kick things off is the crazy Nick Cage in, "Gone In 60 Seconds". I brought in a special guest to help discuss this fun flick and it's awesome cast along with where it ranks with other racing type movies and also discuss the Avengers trailer that hit awhile ago and other fun stuff in episode 144!

Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Masunas And Peter Jam Session
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Masunas is having another jam session, and this time it's staring a special guest Time Travlin' Peter from Hydrate Level Four Podcast!
What was supposed to be a 20 minute news section for the "Gone In 60 Seconds" episode, turned into over an hour of random talk. First up is the breakdown on the "Furious 7" trailer. Discuss in detail why it's amazing and did you catch Paul Walker's brothers in the trailer? Masunas did. Then we talk about movie news from Jared Leto Joker talk, renewed and cancelled shows and go on a love fest about "Stalker", "Forever", "The Flash" and more. Plus who is Oliver Hudson? And of course music talk from Taylor Swift to Megan Trainer and crazy talk about Country Music and other good stuff in episode 143!

Sunday Nov 09, 2014
The Karate Kid (Commentary Track)
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
For the first time in STL history, a request came in from the Nation to do a commentary track, and what better way to start one off than picking my favorite movie of all time, "The Karate Kid"!!!
Most podcast have more than one person doing a commentary track to keep things interesting and fast pace. But I promise I tried my hardest to make this super fun and entertaining while trying to talk about the movie differently than the 4 and a half hour review on the 100th episode.
I hope you enjoy this first ever commentary track in episode 142 and let me know if you want more, or if this sucked and never do it again! :)

Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Masunas' Top 10 Horror Movies Of All Time
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
The time has come to give the list. The Horror list. Now of course everyone and their Grandmother knows what my favorite Horror movie of all time is. "John Carpenter's Halloween". Since everyone has one of these lists, I thought the best way to change mine up would be to go in the order of 1 to 10. Since there is no surprise of getting to my number 1, at least 2 through 10 can build off "Halloween" and look at other movies and how they compare and if 's they have the "DNA" I'm looking for. Hopefully make it more interesting. Plus my updated review of the Halloween series. All this and more in episode 141!

Wednesday Oct 08, 2014
STL News, Reviews & Updates
Wednesday Oct 08, 2014
Wednesday Oct 08, 2014
Well STL Nation, it's been over a month since the last episode hit the feed. As some of you may or may not know, I wanted to take some time off from podcasting. However the past 4 weeks have been so refreshing enough, that I didn't want to leave the greatest month in STL land empty! Since the "STL October Fest" is my favorite time of year, I wanted to give you guys some updates on what's been going on inside and outside the podcasting world, my plans for 1 Halloween episode this year instead of 10, and what's to come for the rest of the year and beyond. Then give you some news on a few things that I found interesting and finally, give you some reviews on a couple of horror movies that I have been watching on Netflix, and want to recommend to you for this crazy fun month known as October. Also some new shows I really am digging in episode 140.

Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
The Running Man
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
Masunas & Jamison are back with another Arnold review. This time we come at this review after not seeing the movie in over 15 years and how has our thoughts changes with the passing of time? Plus we skip news (for the most part) and just jump right in the review along with discussing other Arnold movies on what we have and haven't seen, and what's coming down the road Arnold STL style, and then tell you what movies we are doing next. All this and more in episode 139!

Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Total Recall (1990)
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
With what I like to call this episode as a "Beautiful Disaster", Masunas & Jamison return to talk about Arnold, and arguably one of his most famous and greatest roles, Total Recall. We first honor Robin Williams and Masunas finally figures out his favorite moment from Mr. Williams, and tries not to cry. Then we dive into and discuss the in's and out's of the story of this classic movie, was this movie trying to be confusing? Or are we confused because we lost our notes? It's all fun and games plus, "What Movie Am I?" status change, contest winner(s) announced and a music spotlight that took 14 picks to figure out and the most bloopers to date! All this and more in episode 138.

Friday Aug 15, 2014
Batman: Assault On Arkham
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Friday Aug 15, 2014
For the first time ever a DC Universe Animated Movie is reviewed on STL! Due to the fact this special Animated film is part of the Batman Arkham Video Game Universe I had to talk about it. In this review Masunas will break down the story of why the Arkham games are the greatness they are, the backstory you need to follow along with this movie, and how does it fit into the Arkham Universe. People are saying this is the best DC Animated movie yet, let's find out. Plus news on Robin Williams and selling your soul to the Devil (Tomb Raider) in episode 137.

Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
In this very special STL Bonus episode, Masunas is joined by "Little Masunas". That's right, I took a page out of Time Travlin Peter's page and had my oldest daughter Tabby join me for a review of the brand new Ninja Turtles films! We do two recordings, one is an instant reaction to the film coming out of the theater and then get back together the day after to see if we still feel the same way as the moment coming out of the theater. We have minor spoilers in that talk and then a full blown review non spoilers and spoilers. So join us on this bonus review!

Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
Better Off Dead
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
Masunas & Jamison are back for another edition of "Classic Movies Masunas Hasn't Seen". In this episode we talk the beloved 80's favorite and for some in the STL Nation, their favorite 80's movies of all time. Needless to say the pressure is on Masunas unlike Raiders of The Lost Ark to deliver the goods and give a brand new perspective on an older film. There is allot we talk about with the crazy concepts on what works, doesn't work, or if this is as great as everyone says. Plus a crazy music spotlight only your closet self will enjoy. Plus another round of "What Movie Am I?" and contest updates and more in episode 136.

Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
While Jamison is off saving the world or something like being on vacation, Masunas returns for a solo review. It's been awhile since I did one of these things by myself, but talking about Gizmo makes it easy to do, and when dealing with a sequel to my favorite Christmas movie of all time, we all know that this movie is very, very different. Listen and find out how they compare, which movie did what better, and how does it hold up today. Plus a cool contest that you can't win unless you try! All this and more in episode 135.

Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Summer School
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Masunas & Jamison are back to finally bring you the episode over 1 year in the making! But first up we catch up on a few things that has happened over the past few weeks. Tell you about our adventure at the Zoo with Amish folks, Jamison scamming the system of movie theaters, or did he? Plus Masunas reviews "You're Next" and Paul Walker's "Hours". Then we get into Summer School and see how this fun dumb comedy holds up in 2014. Plus the winner of the solo movie review is announced and the next movie that Masunas/Jamison will review as well. All this and more in episode 134.

Sunday Jul 06, 2014
The Punisher (2004)
Sunday Jul 06, 2014
Sunday Jul 06, 2014
Finally a brand new episode! And what better way to celebrate than to bring in special guest Jason from Flicks Podcast! Masunas and Jason talk about their love for a movie that gets crapped on allot. We discuss the in's and out's of the movie and why it works for us, why it doesn't for others, and also talk about the extended cut. Plus after this review we talk about the much loved short film, "Dirty Laundry". And also the future of STL is discussed as well. All this and more in episode 133.

Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Coming To America
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
It's an STL Episode like non other! Not only is this Twauna "Diverse City" Williams' "Listener Choice" episode, but we also had another STL Member join Masunas & Jamison for some crazy laughs! You will have to listen to find out who it is. In this episode we discuss what many view as, "The Greatest Comedy Of All Time" and give our thoughts on this and how we feel in 2014. Plus for the first time ever, Masunas & Jamison sing! Together! "Just let your Soul Glo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Anyway..... It's something that will never happen again. Our guest has some great jabs and makes some great jokes and most of all, Masunas makes up a new word. All this and more in episode 132.

Tuesday May 27, 2014
Can't Buy Me Love
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Masunas & Jamison are back after almost a month! Life got in the way but the time has come to talk one of the greatest movies of the 80's hands down! It's not a question of if we still love it and if it's good, it's a question of do you still love it as much as us!?! Most people know Patrick Dempsey as "Mc. Dreamy" but screw that crap, we knew him first with this flick. Listen and find out how it holds up today and why many movies copy this one. Plus we talk some new projects that has happened previously, and read some old emails for "Captain America The Winter Soldier", "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and Masunas gives his final thoughts and ratings on those movies. Plus a crazy "What Movie Am I" all and more in episode 131!

Wednesday May 21, 2014
Thoughts On Batfleck & "Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice" Title (STL Bonus)
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Wednesday May 21, 2014
In this STL Bonus episode, Masunas finally talks about his thoughts on the new Batman suit that was posted a few days ago worn by Ben Affleck. This was already planned prior to the reveal of the official title "Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice", so it's just icing on the cake. Plus I break down my thoughts on a new Batman On Film Universe and moving on after getting my favorite trilogy of all time, "The Dark Knight Trilogy". Plus my thoughts on the title and more. Enjoy!

Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
In this episode things get crazy STL Nation and we apologize in advance. It's been 20 years for Jamison and 12 years for Masunas since we watched this movie. There was a claim this was better than the original, so listen and find out if that's still the case. Plus we discuss why this movie should be called "Revenge Of The Alphas" instead. Plus talks on White Castle, iCarly and Teen Nick, find out the winner of "Can't Buy Me Love" vs. "Coming To America" and much more in episode 130!

Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Revenge Of The Nerds
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Masunas & Jamison are back! One of us is high on drugs (no worries it's prescription) and the other has no voice. But because we love the STL fans, we pulled through and talked about another movie from 1984! So the question remains, in a world where "Nerds" are the cool guys, how does this movie hold up 30 years later? Is this a time capsule or a movie ahead of it's time. Did you only see the TV version like Masunas and never know why the Nerds sold so many pies?!?? It's a very fun trip down memory lane and did the score move past 3-2 on "What Movie Am I?" or is it still the same? All this and more in episode 129!

Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Wrestlemania 30 With Ty (STL Bonus)
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
In this bonus episode of STL, Ty has returned! It's been along time but after recording "Face Vs. Heel" with Ryan, Masunas and Ty got together to talk Wrestlemania 30. Ty was at the event as well and he loves the Undertaker as much as I love The Rock. Listen to his thoughts on how things went down and how he is dealing with seeing his hero fall. Plus we catch up on some old times!

Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Face Vs. Heel - Wrestlemania 30
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
In this special episode of Face Vs. Heel, Mike (The Face) and Ryan (The Heel) talk about the events that went down at Wrestlemania 30. Ryan was at the live event and spent all weekend there so listen and hear the details of how things were very different that that on TV. From the epic opening of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, to the most shocking moment in WWE history, The Undertaker losing, it's an insane episode you don't want to miss!

Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Captain America The Winter Soldier (STL Bonus)
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
In this special bonus episode, I had to review the brand new Captain America movie The Winter Soldier and not just give a few paragraphs of my thoughts. It's been since "The Avengers" since I reviewed a Marvel movie and since the first Captain America movie is my favorite, I thought it would be nice to see how it compares to the first one, does it really live up to the hype? And is this as they say, "The Best Marvel Movie"? This review is spoiler free for the first part and then it's spoilers galore. Enjoy!