
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
STL Exclusive Interview With Billy Zabka and Martin Kove
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
You heard these two movie icon's on the STL 100th episode, well now it's an episode all on it's own! Please share this with all your friends and family so everyone can hear the class acts known as Billy Zabka and Martin Kove. Friends of the podcast!

Saturday Jun 08, 2013
The Karate Kid - STL 100th Episode! (With Billy Zabka Interview)
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
The time has finally arrived! The 100th episode of STL "The Karate Kid" has been delivered!! To top it all off, we have an interview with the one, the only, the legend, the bully, Billy "Johnny" Zabka! This 100th episode is a celebration episode where not only do America's Cohost Jamison and I talk my favorite movie of all time, but it's also a dedication episode to the STL Nation and man is this episode long, super long, longer than any other episode, but you wouldn't want it any other way....

Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Never Back Down
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
The road to 100 is almost complete with episode 99! This episode is about "Never Back Down" the "real" remake for The Karate Kid. How does it compare to the original, the remake with Jaden Smith, and this is the perfect one-two punch to get ready for the 100th episode. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday May 26, 2013
Furious 6 (Fast and Furious 6 - STL Bonus)
Sunday May 26, 2013
Sunday May 26, 2013
In this bonus episode I talk about my most anticipated movie of the year, the movie with the highest of highest expectation, "Furious 6". This review is spoiler free review/followed by a spoiler section with a very special guest, an STL Member "Monday Night Jason" Watson!

Sunday May 26, 2013
Rocky Balboa
Sunday May 26, 2013
Sunday May 26, 2013
The Rocky series comes to a close with the final movie in the series, "Rocky Balboa". America's Cohost Jamison and I discuss the film many did not think would work, including ourselves, and how well does it cap off the series. Along with if this movie works without "Rocky V". All this and more in episode 98.

Friday May 24, 2013
Rocky V
Friday May 24, 2013
Friday May 24, 2013
America's Cohost Jamison is back to help talk the most hated Rocky film of the series and that's Rocky V. We go "deep" on this review and at some points, you will hear some frustration with each other and the points we are trying to make. It's a first for us to collide in our thoughts like this, but we hope you enjoy what we have to say on this flick! All this and more in episode 97.

Saturday May 18, 2013
Rocky IV
Saturday May 18, 2013
Saturday May 18, 2013
The time has come for possibly the biggest and beloved movie ever on STL, and that's Rocky IV! With the help of the one and only America's Cohost Jamison we tear this review up to make it the most epic episode we possibly could for the fans. It's hilarious, a huge disagreement occurs causing a "Rumble" to start and we talk about the most epic soundtrack in all of movies!? All this and more in episode 96!

Saturday May 18, 2013
Rocky III
Saturday May 18, 2013
Saturday May 18, 2013
America's Cohost Jamison is back! In this review we recorded back to back to get the full impact of the one two punch of the fan favorites Rocky 3 and Rocky 4. We talk random movies to get caught up and then talk about the super fun Rocky 3 and how it holds up today. Plus some smack talk from Jamison and singing when I went away for a moment. You won't want to miss it. All this and more in episode 95!

Sunday May 05, 2013
Rocky II
Sunday May 05, 2013
Sunday May 05, 2013
"The Story Continues....." as said on the poster. In episode 94 we take a look at the sequel to a film that didn't intend on having one. How does this match up to the original? Is it the best sequel of the series? Listen and find out!

Sunday May 05, 2013
Sunday May 05, 2013
Sunday May 05, 2013
The road to 100 continues with a start of a new series! In episode 93 "Rocky" is covered. It's been 15 years since I seen this movie. How does it hold up today? Listen and find out and take a walk down memory lane on this Acadamy Award Winning Movie!

Friday Apr 12, 2013
Lethal Weapon 4
Friday Apr 12, 2013
Friday Apr 12, 2013
The "Lethal Weapon" series comes to a close. It's been a super fun ride so far and I'm sad to see it go. Listen and find out if Part 4 stands up as strong as I remember it against 3, where does it fall against the others, plus we look at the series as a whole and rate it not just this movie, but as one complete story. Plus news and other fun stuff in episode 92!

Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Lethal Weapon 3
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Since Lethal Weapon 2 is my favorite of the series, and I said earlier that part 3 is the weakest of the series, this time I take a hard look at a movie that I haven't seen in a very long time, but also decide if it's as weak as I think it was in the past. Plus tons of movie, music, and tv news for you. All this and more in episode 91!

Friday Mar 29, 2013
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (STL Bonus)
Friday Mar 29, 2013
Friday Mar 29, 2013
In the shortest review episode I have ever done, listen and find out what I thought about my boy Dwayne in G.I. Joe: Retaliation, in a spoiler free review, followed by spoilers and a music spotlight to close out the show as always.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Lethal Weapon 2
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
My favorite of the series has come and it's "Lethal Weapon 2"! There is so much greatness in this movie, but is it really better than the original? Could this be one of the greatest sequels of all time? Find out in episode 90!

Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Lethal Weapon
Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Saturday Mar 16, 2013
The road to 100 continues as I start with a a series long requested and long overdue, and that's the greatest buddy/cop series ever Lethal Weapon! Starting off is the 1st movie, and I know it's not Christmas but this movie can be watched at anytime. Lots of great times with this flick and it's not even my favorite! Plus there is lots of news, a very special announcement and more in episode 89!

Tuesday Mar 05, 2013
Just One Of The Guys
Tuesday Mar 05, 2013
Tuesday Mar 05, 2013
America's Co-host Jamison has returned! This is part 2 of our day so check out CCP for part 1. In this episode we talk the 80's classic "Just One Of The Guys" and it's STL's first sex comedy! But you voted for it, so you know what you are getting into. Plus a ton of news about movies, music, Jamison actually picks the music spotlight song and he had to pick between his children it hurt so bad! Plus find out about this awesome game and what's the secret behind "Can't Buy Me Love"? All this and more in episode 88!

Tuesday Feb 12, 2013
Hiding Out
Tuesday Feb 12, 2013
Tuesday Feb 12, 2013
In episode 87 STL turns 2 Years Old Today! In this episode I talk about a movie that I thought was common, finding out in the process how rare this movie really is. Does it still hold up after all these years? Listen and find out along with other great stuff!

Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
This episode is LOADED with news, including video game news, a ton of emails from the STL Nation including 2 brand new people! Plus of course the topic at hand the classic 90's film with Christina Applegate "Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead" and just how much my thinking has changed on this flick since 12 years ago. Plus an awesome music spotlight and much more in episode 86!

Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Weird Science
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
The road to the 100th episode starts now! America's Cohost Jamison has returned to STL for the first episode of 2013! Man did we have some good times on this episode. Tons of movie talk including "The Dark Knight Rises", Top lists of 2012, and most of all talking a movie that shocked Masunas when he find out just how much Weird Science means to Jamison. Plus the biggest music spotlight EVER! Tons of stuff packed in episode 85!

Monday Dec 24, 2012
Home Alone "STL Christmas Special"
Monday Dec 24, 2012
Monday Dec 24, 2012
It's Christmas time! In the second STL Annual Christmas special is an episode full of Christmas music with 2 music spotlights! Plus the movie topic "Home Alone" is my second favorite Christmas movie and tons of other fun stuff and news in episode 84. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Man Of Steel - Trailer
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
The "Man of Steel" trailer came out yesterday. I guess that whole Contrarian Masunas thing kicked in. I seem to be the only one that had issues with the trailer. Well I stake my case, don't worry it's more good things to say then bad. Check it out!

Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Kindergarten Cop
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
It's finally time to talk Arnold in the classic "Kindergarten Cop". So many great laughs, one liners, kinda has a dark side and most of all Arnold is back and he is funnier than ever and in a good mood! He roast Masunas for a bit along with John The Music Man. Sorry! Plus news on the upcoming Top 10 Movies of 2012 and how you can hear it on another podcasts with some clips attached and more in episode 82!

Saturday Nov 24, 2012
Saturday Nov 24, 2012
Saturday Nov 24, 2012
Masunas brings back Arnold to talk one of his classic movies "Twins". Is he in a better mood? You will have to find out. Also Black Friday stories, emails, news, a contest and the new movies to vote on are announced. All this and more in episode 81!

Sunday Nov 11, 2012
The Terminator
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
In episode 80 Masunas talks the classic that started it all for Arnold and "I'll Be Back" and that's "The Terminator". We all know T2 is a monster of a movie, but what about the original? Does it still hold up today? Plus Star Wars talk, News and a very, very special guest helps Masunas talk Terminator!

Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Halloween 2 - The Television Version
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
In this very special bonus episode, Masunas talks a movie that I'm pretty sure has never been reviewed before, Halloween 2 The Television Version. Many differences are in this movie compaired to the version you know and love, and those differences are discussed and debated if it makes it better than the original. Happy HALLOWEEN!

Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Series Review
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
In episode 78 Masunas trys to cover 9 films and not take 4 hours. It was a rough one going through awhole series, but I did it. Listen and hear what was said about Freddy overall and what was the best of the best, what was fun, and what was complete trash. Plus news and the new movie mash up is announced!

Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Masunas and Jamison return to bring you the classic "Zombieland". We talk tons of movie and music news, and discuss Zombieland inside and out. Plus tons of other fun stuff like that missing Movie Mojo Monthly clip that never made it on their show. Enjoy episode 77!

Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
The STL Nation picked "Airheads" over "Wayne's World" for Rock N Roll Losers and Masunas is a happy camper. In a movie with BrendanFraser, SteveBuscemi & Adam Sandler how can you go wrong? All this and more in episode 76!

Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Point Break
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
It's episode 75 and the STL Nation has taken over! They picked Point Break over Speed for favorite Keanu Reeves cop flicks and I'm glad they did cause this movie rocks. Have you heard the STL Underground Hour episode prior to this episode? If not go check it out! News and movie reviews on Resident Evil 5, Cabin in the Woods, Gone and Snow White and the Huntsman all this and more in episode 75!

Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Flight of the Navigator
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
In episode 74 the last episode before the STL Nation takes over, Masunas talks another childhood favorite "Flight of the Navigator". Is it still an amazing movie that hold up in 2012 and could it possibly be better than you remember? Plus possibly the best Music spotlight to date, you be the judge. And a story that will blow your mind. All this and more!! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs (Last one for 2012) 1) TobyMac - Me Without You 2) Miley Cyrus - Party in the U.S.A.