
Friday Aug 31, 2012
The Neverending Story
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Friday Aug 31, 2012
In episode 73 Masunas talks his all time favorite Fantasy film "The Neverending Story". Forget Freddy, Michael or Jason as they never scared me more than the Gmork! Scariest Wolf Creature ever. Masunas talks about if this flick still hold up after all these years and also information on the new voting system starts after you listen to this episode and the movies your voting for in episode 75 are listed as well. And this is the final episode for the 2012 Summer Music Spotlight Series. All this and more! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) dc Talk - Since I Met You 2) Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

Sunday Aug 19, 2012
The Expendables 1 & 2
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
In episode 72 Masunas talks about The Expendables 1 and 2 and compaires each movie to each other in the characters, the story, the action and explain his thoughts on the new movie that may shock you on why it became my favorite movie of 2012. This review is spoiler free only spending 2 minutes with spoilers and Changing Channels Podcast is almost ready, more info and much more in this episode!

Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Faster (2010)
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Dwayne makes his return to STL and this time Masunas talks the movie that he feels is the most under rated Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson flick there is. Plus news on a brand new podcast coming to you in a couple of weeks! All this and more in episode 71. Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) Skillet - Awake and Alive 2) George Harrison - Got My Mind set On You

Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Cool As Ice - Guilty Pleasure Series
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
The time has come and Sweep The Mojo has taken place! 1 half of Movie Mojo Monthly's own Jamison joins Masunas to talk their all time favorite guilty pleasure movie "Cool As Ice". As 2 fans of Vanilla Rob Van Winkle Ice we talk the ins and outs of a movie that makes "Batman and Robin" look like "The Dark Knight" along with the Iceman himself. Plus we talk some 21 Jump Street, John Cena and Dwayne The Rock Johnson, X-Men First Class sequel, Skillet and much, much more all in episode 70!! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) 12 Stones - Kiss From A Rose 2) Daughtry - Drown In You

Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises - Batman Series Review
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
The Batman series has come to a close. The wait is over and finally the Christopher Nolan Trilogy is complete. Masunas reviews The Dark Knight Rises plus an excellent Music Spotlight just for the Batman fan. All this and more in episode 69! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) Kris Allen - Live Like We're Dying 2) Hoobastank - Out of Control

Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
The Dark Knight - Batman Series Review
Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
The second movie in The Dark Knight Triolgy is considered the greatest comic book movie in history, along with the greatest Batman movie ever. Well Masunas reviews takes another look at this to see if it's better than Batman Begins after all. Plus tons of other great stuff in episode 68! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) The Letter Black - Hanging on By a Thread 2) Evanesance - Bring Me To Life (Featuring Paul Mccoy of 12 Stones)

Friday Jul 13, 2012
Batman Begins - Batman Series Review
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Friday Jul 13, 2012
The time has finally come and we are at the The Dark Knight Triolgy! First up is "Batman Begins" which is Masunas' 2nd favorite film of all time and listen and find out why I love it better than The Dark Knight. Also this episode had the most emails ever and 3 new STL members! All this and more in episode 67! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) Smashing Pumpkins - The End Is The Beginning Is The End 2) Skillet - Monster

Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Batman and Robin - Batman Series Review
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
The time has come and Jason has returned to STL and what better way to have fun then to talk about the worst Batman movie in history and an excellent comedy. Masunas and Jason talk Dark Knight Rises, Spider-man, Adam Sandler, Podcast we enjoy and at some point actually talk Batman and Robin. Come along for a ride cause this one is a good one in episode 66! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Song 1) Pillar - Frontline

Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Batman Forever - Batman Series Review
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
The first annual STL awards are on this episode!!! Did you make the cut, what award did you win? Listen and find out. Plus Masunas reviews the "soft reboot" Batman Forever and thoughts and feelings on a movie that came out prior to the worst Batman movie in history. All this and more in episode 65.
Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs
1) Pillar - Bring Me Down
2) C & C Music Factory - Everybody Dance Now

Saturday Jun 23, 2012
Batman Returns - Batman Series Review
Saturday Jun 23, 2012
Saturday Jun 23, 2012
The Batman series continues with Batman Returns. Masunas talks about the huge disapointment with this film back as a kid and even more today, along with finding some good stuff in this train wreck. Plus more clips of the upcoming episode with Jason on "Batman and Robin" and a classic STL song returns to the Summer Music Spotlight series! All this and more in episode 64. Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) Skillet - Hero 2) Kelly Clarkson - What Doesn't Kill You (Stonger)

Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
Batman (89) - Batman Series Review
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
The Batman series is finally here! Masunas takes another crack at this film to see how much it's loved or if it's not as impressive anymore. Plus a special teaser clip of the upcoming review with Jason on "Batman and Robin". All this and more in episode 63! Last Episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) James Durbin - Higher Than Heaven 2) Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy With It

Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Bad Boy II
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Contrarian Masunas talks one of the most hated flicks in all of history, "Bad Boys 2". Now long ago I professed my love for this movie and said it's better than part 1. After 6 years, does Masunas still feel this way or finally agree it's crap? All this and more in episode 62! Last episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) Superchic(k) - Alive 2) Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name

Sunday Jun 10, 2012
Judge Dredd: Guilty Pleasures Series
Sunday Jun 10, 2012
Sunday Jun 10, 2012
In episode 61 Masunas finally gets to "Judge Dredd". It's a STL request and part of the Quilty Pleasures series and how much did Masunas hate this universal panned flick? Listen and find out along with the fact I was shot through my heart at some point this week yet I'm still Alive. Plus Bad Boys 2 and Batman updates! Last episode Summer Music Spotlight Songs 1) 12 Stones - Psycho 2) DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Boom! Shake The Room

Sunday May 27, 2012
Bad Boys (1995)
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sunday May 27, 2012
It's a Will Smith weekend with the release of "Men in Black 3". But for this episode Masunas talks one of his all time favorite Will Smith flicks, "Bad Boys". Plus the "Summer Music Spotlight" starts with this episode and Masunas goes a little "Psycho" while "Shacking the Room" and also make sure you listen about some Cancer help that my wife is working on and could use whatever support that you could do. All this and more in episode 60!

Saturday May 19, 2012
Return To Oz
Saturday May 19, 2012
Saturday May 19, 2012
In episode 59, Masunas tackles if he is still scared of the kids movie "Return To Oz" and is it really a kids movie or a horror movie in disguise? Plus information on the new "Summer Music Spotlight" for the next 10 weeks and my favorite music spotlight to date and who is the guest star coming in the future? Listen and find out!!!!

Sunday May 06, 2012
The Avengers
Sunday May 06, 2012
Sunday May 06, 2012
It's been a long wait, but "The Avengers" is finally here! In this review, Masunas does a non spoiler review, followed by a spoiler filled review. Tons of emails, a new STL Nation memeber, awesome spotlight song, tons of news and much more in episode 58!

Tuesday May 01, 2012
Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon
Tuesday May 01, 2012
Tuesday May 01, 2012
SHO NUFF! In this review, Masunas reviews a huge cult classic, "Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon". Is this the one and only "musical" Kung Fu Film? If it is or is not, there is no question this movie rocks! Come hang out and go back in some excellent memories. SHO NUFF! Plus "Avengers" talk and more in episode 57. SHO NUFF!

Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Major League (STL Party Edition)
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
In this episode, Masunas addresses the "Star Wars" situation. After that will begin this very special episode of "Major League - STL Party Edition. Masunas talks an excellent sports movie, we listen to tons of music like we are at a sporting event, and talks of upcoming flicks coming your way, all this and more in episode 56!

Tuesday Apr 17, 2012
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Tuesday Apr 17, 2012
Tuesday Apr 17, 2012
The funniest man in all of podcasting entertainment is back! Ty has returned to talk the "Star Wars" series. First up, episode I. In this episode you will find that Masunas can't read, Ty is very knowledgeable on his Star Wars and messes with the STL emailers. How much love or hate did we give this movie? Plus a new segment created by Ty! All this and more in episode 55!

Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
The Last Boy Scout
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
This is my favorite Bruce Willis movie outside of the "Die Hard" series. Come along for a ride on this excellent one liner, Tony Scott directed action packed fun ride. Plus updates on new reviews coming sooner than you think for "Major League" and "Star Wars". All this and more in episode 54!

Saturday Mar 31, 2012
"The People's Episode - The Smackdown Hotel" - STL Wrestlemania Tribute
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Once In a Lifetime - The Rock vs John Cena. Once in a lifetime for Masunas to cover Wrestling, let alone Wrestlemania. The is "The People's Episode", only designed for the STL Wrestling fans. Come along with Masunas on his tribute to "The Great One" and the upcoming Wrestlemania 28, along with covering the past 28 years. All this and more in episode 53!

Friday Mar 16, 2012
Ghostbusters 2
Friday Mar 16, 2012
Friday Mar 16, 2012
Masunas talks one of his favorite sequels, "Ghostbusters 2". Does this movie still hold up today and is this an excellent sequel, or fall flat? Listen and find out. Plus we have a new STL member with the longest email in STL history! All this and more in episode 52.

Monday Mar 12, 2012
Ghostbusters - STL 50th Episode Live!
Monday Mar 12, 2012
Monday Mar 12, 2012
The 50th episode is finally here. Join Masunas on a 3 hour live show adventure. First fear, then joy, and tons of interaction came from the STL Nation and the chat. Plus tons of questions are answered that came from the chat. Listen and enjoy!!

Sunday Mar 11, 2012
The Best STL Moments of 50 Episodes
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
Masunas couldn't fit all of his favorite moments that happened on STL on the "Ghostbusters" Live show, so an episode was created for it. Listen and Enjoy!

Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
STL Live!
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Masunas changed his mind! Again! Go Figure. The Live episode is going to happen, find out when, the movie pick, and hope you can make it!

Tuesday Feb 28, 2012
The Kung Fu Kid (The Karate Kid 2010)
Tuesday Feb 28, 2012
Tuesday Feb 28, 2012
I never thought this day would come, that I would give in to a movie that I protested for so long. Did Masunas hate this? Or Love it? Plus find out what's happening for the 50th episode next week, along with what movies are coming next, emails, my new mic, and a music spotlight that you should love. All this and more in episode 49!

Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Short Circuit 2
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Johnny 5 series comes to an end. What a shame. Why does Masunas love a sequel that is hated by most so much? And why does this movie have what I call "The Neverending Story Effect"? Listen and find out. Plus a music spotlight that Masunas feels will shock people if not offend them, or you will find yourself enjoying it. All this and more in episode 48!

Sunday Feb 12, 2012
STL Double Feature: Beverly Hills Cop III & Short Circuit
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
One year ago today, STL Podcast was born. And today is the birth of a first ever double feature. Join Masunas as he talks these movies, reads a crap load of email, and has allot of fun in episode 47.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2012
Guilty Pleasures Series: The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Wednesday Feb 08, 2012
Wednesday Feb 08, 2012
In the first of a sporadic series, the movies that are so bad there so good, starts off with a film hated by most, loved by few, "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane". Plus the most personal of the music spotlights is in this episode. All this and more in episode 46.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
STL Podcast Updates and Announcement
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
In this special update, Masunas and Andrew announce something special we have created and hope you enjoy, along with some quick news.