
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Beverly Hills Cop II
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Masunas and Andrew are back to talk BHC 2. Join us as we talk about why this sequel is so great, and dare say better than the original, plus Andrew introduces a new segment on the show, we have a new member in STL Nation! All this and much more in episode 45.

Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Beverly Hills Cop
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Join Masunas and your new co-host Andrew on what is said to be the best of the best when it comes to Eddie Murphy. Do we agree? And does this movie still hold up today? And how much did the STL Nation love this movie? Listen and find out in episode 44!

Friday Dec 30, 2011
STL Podcast's Top 10 Songs and Movies of 2011
Friday Dec 30, 2011
Friday Dec 30, 2011
Andrew is back to help Masunas talk about our favorite and best songs and movies of 2011. Almost 3 hours of music and movies are showcased and spotlighted on. Come join us on our end of the year STL blowout!

Friday Dec 16, 2011
New Podcast Announcement
Friday Dec 16, 2011
Friday Dec 16, 2011
The time has come and now listen and find out what is the new podcast I'm going to be doing!

Wednesday Dec 14, 2011
Gremlins - "A STL Christmas Special"
Wednesday Dec 14, 2011
Wednesday Dec 14, 2011
It's Christmas time! Well not really, but it is on STL. It's time to celebrate and listen to lots of kickin Christmas music and talk about this super fun black comedy. Now is this the greatest Christmas movie? Of course not, but is it still super fun in 2011? Listen and find out in episode 41!

Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Turtles Forever (2009)
Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Turtle Power! Our childhood has come back to us, but what cartoon is this? Is it 1984, 1987 or 2003? Can you keep 12 Turtles straight? Plus the HOTTEST music spotlight song yet! The STL Nation wasn't slacking on emails either, tons of news, all this and more in episode 40!

Thursday Dec 01, 2011
TMNT (2007)
Thursday Dec 01, 2011
Thursday Dec 01, 2011
So in episode 39 I talk the fan favorite, the 2007 CGI film, TMNT. And what is the STL nation? Are you part of it? Listen and find out and emails get interesting.

Tuesday Nov 22, 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles In Time
Tuesday Nov 22, 2011
Tuesday Nov 22, 2011
So, does Turtles 3 suck as bad as you remember? Did I give it a better score than you did? Find out, and I also spend some time and give Christina Aguilera some much needed love after this past week. All this and more in episode 38.

Saturday Nov 19, 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze
Saturday Nov 19, 2011
Saturday Nov 19, 2011
STL is back! In what feels like a month I talk tons of stuff. Movies, music, of course I have to talk some Dwyane, and great stories from my adventures at the Skillet concert. Oh yea, I even find time to talk some TMNT 2 at some point. This is the worse tangent episode yet. I feel like I'm on "Show Me The Winston". Come along for the ride and let's jam to some "Ninja Rap" in episode 37.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Tuesday Nov 01, 2011
Tuesday Nov 01, 2011
Cowabunga! It's time to party with Mikey, Leo, Donatello and Rafael. Listen and find out why this movie still holds up today, and why everybody loves The Turtles. Plus a longer segment of movie and music news to make up for last week and emails, emails, and did I mention emails? All this and more in episode 36!

Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
The Crow
Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
Ty and Stars! That's all I need to say. We have a party at the honeywagon and talk about the one, the only, "The Crow". We talk about why we love this movie and Brandon Lee so much and also old school Crossroads seem to have taken over Sweep The Floor..or Leg. Come and join the fun in episode 35!

Saturday Oct 22, 2011
Pet Sematary
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
I think I reviewed this film, but I was reading the most email ever, talking music, and all the good times that comes with other podcasts that rip on yours truly. But in Pet Sematary I talk about our friend Jud, the guy that introduced the Pet Sematary to Louis. Is Jud really a drug dealer? Is Louis' daughter the most annoying child actor ever? Listen and find out in episode 34. The episode voted by you!

Saturday Oct 15, 2011
Halloween 4, 5, 6 & 8
Saturday Oct 15, 2011
Saturday Oct 15, 2011
In episode 33, I talk the rest of the Halloween series. I even cover that Rob Zombie trash again, plus I talk the new music review section and the future movies coming in November and find out what 2 movies won the vote by you!

Tuesday Oct 11, 2011
Halloween H2O: Halloween 20 Years Later
Tuesday Oct 11, 2011
Tuesday Oct 11, 2011
In episode 32 I conclude The Laurie Strode Trilogy. Jamie Lee Curtis returns 20 years later to finish off Michael Myers once and for all. Find out why Halloween 2 is better than this film, but why this movie took a dying franchise and turned it back up to concluse the series on a high note. Until Resurrection.....

Friday Oct 07, 2011
Halloween 2 (1981)
Friday Oct 07, 2011
Friday Oct 07, 2011
In episode 31, it's Part 2 of The Laurie Strode Trilogy. This is one of the greatest sequels to an original film. It has it's problems, but listen and find out why this movie still rocks. Plus the most emailed filled episode!

Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
John Carpenter's Halloween
Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
In episode 30 it's time to talk my all time favorite horror film, "John Carpenter's Halloween". This is the first episode of the Laurie Strode Trilogy. Let's have some fun with this one!

Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Armageddon (Action Hero Tribute) Part 3
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
In Part 3 of The Action Hero Tribute I pay tribute to Bruce Willis, all his films, and why Armageddon is the greatest Michael Bay film. Period. And why he will never make anything better than this. Check it out in episode 29!

Wednesday Sep 14, 2011
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Wednesday Sep 14, 2011
Wednesday Sep 14, 2011
Finally Andrew and I review this ultimate 80's classic John Hughes' "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Nothing more needs to be said. Listen!

Sunday Sep 11, 2011
Tango & Cash (Action Hero Tribute) Part 2
Sunday Sep 11, 2011
Sunday Sep 11, 2011
In part 2 of the Action Hero Tribute, I pay tribute to Stallone, not just "Tango & Cash", but all of his films along with his partner Kurt Russell. Also this episode is dedicated to 09/11. All this and more in episode 27!

Monday Aug 29, 2011
Commando (Action Hero Tribute) Part 1
Monday Aug 29, 2011
Monday Aug 29, 2011
Starting with Arnold begins "The Action Hero Tribute Series". In this episode I talk not only "Commando", but also all of Arnolds other films and pay tribute to this iconic star!

Wednesday Aug 24, 2011
Fright Night (1985) & Fright Night (2011)
Wednesday Aug 24, 2011
Wednesday Aug 24, 2011
This special episode I review the old school Fright Night along with the new just released remake. Does this remake suck just like most of the recent 2 years, or is it actually better? Listen and find out in Episode 25.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
In Episode 24, I talk some Van Damme, talk about this classic, listen to some Stan Bush, plus get the details on a new contest!

Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Masters Of The Universe
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Grab your wine cause we are having some cheese. In Episode 23 I talk some cheese, cheesy 80's flick "Masters Of The Universe" that is. Dolph is He-Man and how does this movie stand up now? How does it stand up to the cartoon? Listen and find out!

Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Jason guest stars! We talk some Superman, Batman, Spider-man, MTV and then of course we finally get to our review of "Buried". Plus we geek out on a topic you will never guess! Plus some hilarious bloopers after the spotlight song. All this and more in episode 22.

Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
My Science Project
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Vince Latello is one of my all time favorite movie characters. This episode is dedicated to this man. "When your cool the sun shines on you 24 hours a day"! Also listen and find out the special guest host coming your way!

Friday Jul 15, 2011
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Friday Jul 15, 2011
Friday Jul 15, 2011
In Episode 20, Masunas reviews this classic, why is it a classic, and discusses why everyone loves Freddy for some weird reason. Also Freddy took over the intro somehow..

Tuesday Jul 12, 2011
Iron Eagle
Tuesday Jul 12, 2011
Tuesday Jul 12, 2011
In Episode 19, Masunas talks some "Iron Eagle". Does that chick flick "Top Gun" leave "Iron Eagle" in it's jet smoke, or is this movie The "Real" Top Gun? Listen and find out!

Friday Jul 08, 2011
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Part 2
Friday Jul 08, 2011
Friday Jul 08, 2011
Masunas and Andrew talk some TF3. The conversation is interesting to say the least. Plus we talk other movies and Summer movie plans and ideas. Check it out in episode 18!

Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
The Monster Squad
Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
In Episode 17, Masunas reviews the classic cult film, "The Monster Squad". Does this movie hold up today, or is it a pile of monkey crap. Listen and find out!

Friday Jul 01, 2011
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Part 1
Friday Jul 01, 2011
Friday Jul 01, 2011
Masunas is back! And I review the brand new TF3. Why is this a part 1? Listen and find out in this non spoiler/spoiler review in episode 16.